Polled Brahman Cattle for Sale in Texas

Polled Brahman Cattle for Sale in Texas

At Moreno Ranches, we understand the value of purebred Brahman genetics. We realize that people often choose the Brahman breed, or Brahman hybrids, for many characteristics, among them heat resistance, superior beef ability, and docility. A new trend has been emerging in recent years: an emphasis on “polled” cattle. “Polled” refers to cattle that are naturally born without horns.

The absence of horns, combined with the well-known characteristics of docility, superior beef ability, and insect-resistance make what could truly be the “perfect” cattle for Southern climates. In fact, ranchers from Texas and other Southern states love our polled Brahman cattle!

Most of our Brahman cattle sales are through our online sales that happen throughout the year. We also conduct private treaty sales of Brahman cattle, including polled Brahman cattle, on a first come, first served basis. Our stock sells and changes frequently, so don’t hesitate to contact us directly to visit our Texas Brahman cattle ranch, or to discuss your Brahman cattle needs.


Why Polled Brahman Cattle?

Polled Brahman Cattle Texas

Brahman cattle have a heightened tolerance for heat, due to their cooler body temperature, sweating ability and increased body surface area exposed to cooling. Their demonstrated ability to withstand hot and humid weather, resist insects, and produce satisfactory milk flow under adverse conditions are only a few of the advantages to the Brahman breed. Many of the Southern states like Texas prefer the Brahman cattle in order to breed for Brahman F1 Hybrids due to their heat and insect tolerance. The fact that polled Brahman genetics are available just makes the best even better!

The productivity and adaptability of Brahman cattle will ensure a place for them in the beef industry for years to come, in both purebred and commercial markets. A renewed focus on breeding polled cattle will just make the best, better.

As one of the top Brahman breeders of polled Brahman cattle in Texas, both red Brahman cattle and gray Brahman cattle, the purebred Brahman genetics program at Moreno Ranches allows progressive breeders and ranchers to tap into what proven genetics have to offer in terms of performance and profit.

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