Sire: +JDH ASTRO MANSO 518/4


ABBA #: 956680

BW: 65 lbs

+Moreno Ms. Reba Redo 358/1 kicked off her show career with a Reserve Calf Champion win and continued to rack up numerous awards. Today she is one of our donors with offspring topping our sales and making our show string. We feel that Reba Redo is the best daughter of +Moreno Ms. Lady Reba 112 the 2013 National Champion, 2014 Reserve International Champion, 2014 ABBA Show Cow of the Year, and one of our best-known cows. The sire to Reba Redo is +JDH Astro Manso the 2009 Reserve International Champion and proven sire with an International & National Champion Get of Sire and a Reserve International & National Champion Bull to his credit. Not only does Reba Redo have the show ring accolades, is the result of two Register of Renown parents, and a proven producer but ranks in the top of the breed for ALL of the essential traits of BW, WW, YW, Milk, Marbling, and Ribeye Area. We are excited about the bright future of this great female!