Moreno Ranches, an Industry-Leading Producer of Brahman Bulls for Sale in Texas and Florida, Announces Successful Cinco de Mayo Smokin Gun Influence On-Line Sale and Viva La Brahman VII On-Line Sale.
Moreno Ranches, Inc., a leading provider of red and gray Brahman cattle for sale in Florida and Texas, is proud to announce two successful spring on-line sales. The Cinco de Mayo sale, held May 5, 2020, was held after receiving requests from national and international buyers to conduct a sale that featured some of Moreno Ranches elite donor prospects and herd sire prospects.  Now completing its seventh year, the Viva La Brahman On-Line sale, held on April 23, 2020, has become recognized as the sale for cattle buyers interested in acquiring some of the finest Moreno Ranches genetics carrying the M Check brand. Â