By Meghan Murray
Have you ever felt like an outsider in a situation and all you wanted to do was run away from it? Yeah, I have been there too. Luckily, my time with the Moreno Ranches was not one of those situations!

Registered Brahman Heifers Cattle for Sale
I had a chance to meet Kelvin Moreno, owner of Moreno Ranches, and the members of the Moreno Ranches show team while they attended the ABBA National Brahman show at the State Fair of Texas. Kelvin, knowing, I was from the Dallas area, quickly invited me to come hang out with the team during the show. Kelvin asked if I would be interested in helping with their social media campaign during the show. Without hesitation, I eagerly agreed. On the morning I was heading out to the State Fair of Texas, my dad handed me a twenty-dollar bill for lunch. Without a second thought, I slipped the money into the back of my journal. Later that morning I was flipping through my journal to take down some notes. Without me realizing, the twenty-dollar bill fell out my journal and onto the floor. I then walked away from the area to talk to one of the junior showmen. The conversation was cut short by an older team member who asked me if I had lost a twenty-dollar bill. I was blown away by the honesty and integrity of this act. This was one of many times I had witnessed these qualities through their actions.
Mom has always said, “Actions speak louder than words,” and this was certainly true with the Moreno Ranches team.
For Kelvin and the Moreno Ranches show team, it is more than the “champion slap.” You can feel the camaraderie among each member of the team, pushing each other to be the best person they can possibly be. Dedication and hard work can be seen through their attention to detail, no matter how big or how small the task may be. At the end of the day, no matter the amount of success in the show ring, the team stays humble and grateful for the opportunity to show great Brahman cattle. The few short days I spent with the Moreno Ranches are days I won’t soon forget. Every member of Moreno Ranches welcomed me as though I had been a friend of theirs for a lifetime.
It was a situation that I did not want to leave.