Venus, Florida, and Frost, Texas. January 31, 2018. Moreno Ranches, a leading producer of superior Brahman cattle throughout the United States, is proud to announce new “low stress” handling measures for its Brahman Cattle. The new measures bolster an on-going commitment to providing superior Brahman cattle for sale both in the cattle’s physical characteristics as well as in the cattle’s psychological characteristics. The Brahman breed, of course, is noted both for its heat resilience and its docility – two favored characteristics for cattle producers in hot climates such as Florida, Texas, and all of Latin America.

Full sibling to embryos
“Moreno Ranches is committed to the principles of low-stress cattle handling to ensure that the quality of its Brahman cattle exceeds expectations,” explained Kelvin Moreno, head of Moreno Ranches. “The Brahman breed is highly intelligent and can be taught and tamed in a stress-free environment, while reaching production and weight gain goals, among others. Our new low stress handling measures are meant to work this advantage to producer even better Brahman cattle from a psychological perspective.”
To learn more about the new low stress handling measures, visit the lively blog at However, the best way to learn more is for qualified, interested persons to schedule Ranch visit which can be done on the website at
According to industry experts, stress is created when something in an animal’s environment has an effect on the animal’s control mechanism. This control mechanisms becomes so alert that the animal does not perform as efficiently as it naturally should. It is important to handle animals calmly and quietly, with patience and taking time to work with the animal. It is important to recognize that not all animals react to stress in the same way and that their coping abilities will depend on many factors, such as health, temperament, nutrition and past experiences. While Brahman cattle are known for their docility, poor handling can reduce this advantage. The new methods being announced by Moreno Ranches, in contrast, seek to not only preserve this advantage but bolster it. In this way, the Ranch can provide superior Brahman genetics in both physical and psychological characteristics for sale at both its Texas and Florida Ranch locations.
Moreno Ranches is a top producer of Brahman cattle for sale. Customers come to the company for genetically superior Brahman bulls for sale and Brahman semen (seed stock) as well as Brahman embryos. The company produces both Brahman heifers and calves for sale, including for use as show cattle or to produce Brahman F1 hybrids. Visit the company’s website to browse stock. The company is a trusted source of Brahman cattle whether a buyer is in Florida, Texas, Mississippi, or Louisiana – Latin America, or anywhere in the world.