Editor’s Note. As part of our internship program, we encourage our interns to blog about their perspectives on the Brahman cattle industry, including future trends.
Moreno Ranches is one of the top breeders of American Brahman Cattle. The Ranch is always busy, making improvements in its genetics program and constantly striving to provide national and international customers with the excellence they have come to expect.
In this post, we would like to discuss the disposition of both females and bulls. One way to look at this is consider the “three main pillars” that support the Brahman cattle breed. The first is to have high fertility rates on our females herd which also includes an excellent calving ease; the second is to have excellent musculature and bone structure; and the third is the animal’s disposition, better explained as docile behavior among Brahman cattle. So, fertility, musculature/bone structure, and disposition–these are the three primary attributes of the Brahman breed.
M Check : Building the Future with American Brahman Cattle
Our M Check program guarantees the genetics of our cattle. Brahman Cattle breeders in the United States and other countries are very interested in acquiring our American Brahman cattle, as well as genetic products. Cattlemen in the United States, mostly from the Southern States such as Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana, purchase from the Ranch. In addition to national customers, Moreno Ranches also has international customers, both for cattle and for Brahman genetic products. We feel proud when we see old faces of customers who return to the Ranch; and we are also excited to see new faces at the Ranch, new customers who are often recommended by other customers.
Female Brahmans: Key Importance to the Breed
Many American Brahman Cattle breeders, along with many cattlemen and breeders of other cattle breeds, often put too much emphasis on sires for the genetics improvement of their herd. They forget that the female herd provides 50% of the genes to the progeny! Therefore, some cattlemen are not satisfied with their results even if they have acquired premium sire since their calves do not meet their expectations. In order to improve their herds, they need to work on both the male and female.
Moreno Ranches can confidently say that we have the best females herd of American Brahman Cattle in both red and gray. We have dedicated ourselves to offering the American Brahman Cattle industry the best females that all American Brahman Cattle breeders would really like to have in their herds.
- Interested? Give us a call at 863-444-8745 or browse our website.